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  • Writer's pictureTyler Pounds

Week 6 QEM

This week at the National Science Foundation was somewhat strange and hectic. My mentors took a whole week off (so I had last Wednesday through this past Wednesday off from the NSF). I spent that week going around to the museums and archives conducting research for my University to meet the requirements for my Master's Degree. I started work this week on a Wednesday. I had to play "catch up" at work this whole entire week because the NSF did not set up my laptop for me to be able to work from home. I spent the whole rest of this week getting caught up. Then I was informed by my University that some of my annotations were not acceptable and so I had to re-do my annotations listing for my university.

I am trying to keep up with everything but alot of times I get these monkey wrenches thrown into the mix and it screws everything up. I also met alot of wonderful people and have had some great connections that were made. I met a Librarian who helped me at the National Library Of Congress, I met an Ecologist who works for the US Geological Survey (who also talked with e briefly about the importance of being able to learn and apply Geographic Information Systems in the Scientific Workforce), I also met a brilliant Entrepreneur, realtor, Professional Speaker. All in all this week was probably one of the strangest weeks of this whole entire internship experience. Oh yeah and one more thing. This week, all of us at QEM went to Busboy's and Poets where all of us had to read off poetry. It was a fantastic experience and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

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